Spacers, gaskets and plugs are used with sealed and demountable liquid and gas cells.

Spacers create the space between the windows of a cell and enable assembly of cells with accurate pathlengths.

Gaskets cushion the optics and form seals with the metal and glass components of a cell. For example, we mercury amalgam a lead gasket to the front plate of all our sealed liquid cells. In sealed cells, the spacer is typically lead, but copper is used for smaller pathlengths. Spacers for demountable cells are usually PTFE.

Gaskets are made from a variety of materials and materials not listed are available on custom order. Plugs that seal the ports of a liquid cell are machined from solid PTFE. ICL can make a custom gasket or spacer for any cell. There is a gasket, spacer and plug shown in this catalog for virtually any sealed or demountable cell sold in the last 40 years. If you are unsure which part goes with your cell, we will find the right part for you if you will send us a tracing of the geometry of the part with dimensions marked on the drawing.

Visit our catalog to learn more.

Product Options - Plugs


PTFE Plugs – for all IR Liquid Cells
Part No.DescriptionPrice
0001-1414Plugs – Individually$16.50
0001-1413Plugs – Per Dozen$66.10
0001-4518Plugs – Large & Small plug for variable path cell$97.50
0023-4065Cover for standard 10mm type 1 cuvette$17.60
0023-4066Stopper for standard type 23 cuvette$17.60

Product Options - Spacers


Window SizeSingle Spacer


Pack of 12


Single Spacer


Pack of 12


Single Spacer


Pack of 12


Single Spacer


Pack of 12


l3mm x 2mm0001-3371W0001-3372W0001-3267W0001-3268W0001-3090W0001-3091W0001-3618W0001-3619W
20mm x 2mm0001-3373W0001-3374W0001-3269W0001-3270W0001-3092W0001-3093W0001-3620W0001-3621W
22mm x 4mm0001-3375W0001-3376W0001-3271W0001-3272W0001-3094W0001-3095W0001-3622W0001-3623W
25mm x 4mm0001-3377W0001-3378W0001-3273W0001-1436W0001-3096W0001-3097W0001-3624W0001-3625W
25.2mm x 5mm0001-3379W0001-3380W0001-3274W0001-3275W0001-3098W0001-3099W0001-3626W0001-3627W
32mm x 3mm0001-3381W0001-2008W0001-3276W0001-3277W0001-3100W0001-3101W0001-3628W0001-3629W
37.5mm x 4mm0001-3382W0001-3383W0001-3278W0001-3279W0001-3102W0001-3103W0001-3630W0001-3631W
38mm x 6mm0001-3384W0001-3385W0001-3280W0001-3281W0001-3104W0001-3105W0001-3632W0001-3633W
49mm x 6mm0001-3386W0001-3387W0001-3282W0001-3283W0001-3106W0001-3107W0001-3634W0001-3635W
2 15/64″ x 1/4″0001-3390W0001-3391W0001-3286W0001-3287W0001-3110W0001-3111W0001-3638W0001-3639W
25 x 12 x 2mm0001-3392W0001-3393W0001-3288W0001-3289W0001-3112W0001-3113W0001-3640W0001-3641W
30 x l5 x 4mm0001-3394W0001-3395W0001-3290W0001-3291W0001-3114W0001-3115W0001-3642W0001-3643W
38.5 x 19.5 x 4mm0001-3396W0001-2098W0001-3292W0001-2099W0001-1451W0001-1446W0001-3644W0001-3645W
39.5 x 39.5 x 6.5mm0001-3397W0001-3398W0001-3293W0001-3294W0001-3116W0001-3117W0001-3646W0001-3647W
41 x 23 x 6mm0001-3399W0001-3400W0001-3295W0001-3296W0001-3118W0001-3119W0001-3648W0001-3649W
45 x 20 x 6mm0001-3401W0001-3402W0001-3297W0001-1420W0001-3120W0001-3121W0001-3650W0001-3651W
50 x 25 x 6mm0001-3403W0001-3404W0001-3298W0001-3299W0001-3155W0001-3156W0001-3652W0001-3653W
2″ x 1 1/8″ x 1/4″0001-3405W0001-3406W0001-3300W0001-3301W0001-3122W0001-3123W0001-3654W0001-3655W
Assorted PTFE Spacers
Window SizePack of 12


13mm x 2mm0001-3876
20mm x 2mm0001-3877
22mm x 4mm0001-3878
25mm x 4mm0001-3879
25.2mm x 5mm0001-3880
32mm x 3mm0001-3881
37.5mm x 4mm0001-3882
38mm x 6mm0001-3883
49mm x 6mm0001 -3884
2-15/64″ x 1/4″0001-3886
25mm x 12mm x 2mm0001-3887
30mm x 15mm x 4mm0001-3888
38.5mm x 19.5mm x 4mm0001-3875
39.5mm x 39.5mm x 6.5mm0001-3889
41mm x 23mm x 6mm0001-3890
45mm x 20mm x 6mm0001-1464
50mm x 25mm x 6mm0001-3891
2″ x 1-1/8″ x 1/4″0001-3892
Each pack contains two (2) each of :
0.015, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5mm spacers